Monday, June 1, 2009


So I joined the "moms-to-be" club on the Courier Journal website when I first got pregnant. I just like to read all the other things moms say about what they are going through. I am a HUGE fan of the SCENE (courier journal) a local paper that features every week a "stylemaker". I like to read about other peoples trends and home decor. I was asked to do a interview on being a "stylish pregnant mommy". I was thrilled to do it! I didn't know what to expect exactly, but it all came together. The journalist was also pregnant with a baby boy due July 11th. Not too long after me! She was so interested in the clothes I wear, the products I use, and most of all, our fabulous baby's room!!! The photographer took some shots of me in our home, then I was interviewed, and then we just sat around and talked "baby"! It was so much fun and we couldn't have been happier with the final results! We can't wait to share it with Parker when he is a little older. Little does he know, he was a local celebrity in mommy's belly!!!!

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