Friday, June 26, 2009

Maybe BABY?!? big update .....

Ok, so this morning I decided to call the doctor to let her know I was ready to get my membranes scraped. OOOOUCHHH!!! They had offered me this last Monday, but I couldn't handle the thought of the pain. I have been having a hard time breathing the past couple night, no sleep, and basically feeling miserable. Sooooo, I decided to suffer the pain this morning. I was 2.5 centimeters dilated. She went through the whole process while tears ran down my face. It was not at all fun. When you get your membranes scraped, it basically increases your chance of breaking your water within hours, sometimes minutes, days or it may not even work. It's a chance you can take. When the doctor was done she said things looked good. There was some bleeding but that is normal. She said she thinks we will be seeing her tonight or this weekend. But who really knows?!? The GOOD NEWS is that we did schedule a induction for MONDAY morning. Which means, we should have our baby boy Monday night ... HOPEFULLY!!!!
Right now I am just resting and waiting to see if anything happens .... we will keep you posted on any changes! Please pray for a quick and easy labor for us!

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