Thursday, June 11, 2009

37 week update

YES, we are still going ... 37 weeks strong! I still feel like he is coming ANY day now. John and I went to the doctors for our weekly check-up. Looks like I am still at 1 centimeter (maybe a little more) dilated, which I was hoping for more, but oh well! The doctor measured my belly and was concerned because I was only measuring at 34 weeks. Which means Parker is just smaller than most babies. She sent us to ultrasound for some testing. I was pretty scared when we were back there, didn't know exactly what was going on and whenever there is a concern with the baby, it's pretty scary! The lady did an ultrasound and looked at the blood flow in the cord, the size of his body, his weight, and the size of his head. Everything looked good ... she said he is just a small baby because he has a small mommy. Basically my body can't carry a large baby. He weighs about 5.5 lbs now, which is smaller than most, but hopefully he will go at least another week and put on some weight. Nothing to worry about!
The doctor wants to do another ultrasound just to check progress Monday at our appointment. Parker's head is still very LOW, even lower than last time. The nurse laughed and said "I don't know how you are even walking"! I'm hoping this means that labor will go quick and easy!
Right now, I am feeling good, just tired from not sleeping well. John and I walk every night to help get things going! I still don't see me going until July 4th, but we will see!
We will keep you posted if anything happens and until then, our next appointment is set for Monday!

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