Thursday, June 4, 2009

4 weeks left and a quick sneak preview!!!

OK, so here is mommy and Parker at 36 weeks, and just 30 days until our due date! I have been slaving away in Parker's room trying to get it absolutely perfect for the big day! I was stitching and sewing his new "handmade by Jenna" curtain decor all day yesterday and have been busy painting small pictures for his "fun wall"! I have major OCD when it comes to decorating and can't seem to ever be happy with the way I do things. So i'm sure the room will be changed 10,3454 times!
Things are going good with me, i'm trying to relax, but the thought of him coming any day scares me, I just want the house to be perfect for when it happens. I am lucky to have my cleaning lady for the "cleaning" part but with the organizing part, it's all on me! I feel ok, just still not sleeping well. John and I are trying to do more things to keep my mind off the pain I feel. We started our garden which I am super excited about and watch every minute of the day to see if anything has grown ... haha I know, get a life huh?!?! But other than that, things are still looking good, hoping for an early arrival .... I'm thinking Fathers Day :) I will be posting the final (hopefully) pics of Parker's fabulous room asap!

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