Monday, June 1, 2009

"How much bigger can I possibly get?" 36 week update

Today was our 36 week check-up. Our appointment was a bit different today. We did the usual first .... weight. Ahhhh weight! I am at 115lbs now. Feels like it should be about 15237 lbs. I swear, it feels like Parker grows about every second now. The doctor said he looks to weigh about 5lbs now, which means around 6-7lbs for the big day!! THANK GOD! I cannot push out a child the size of my husband! After the weight check, the doctor went in for the kill and actually "felt around" for the baby. She felt his head and informed us that I was already at 1 centimeter dialated. She said his head was very low and she could only imagine how uncomfortable I was feeling. She said I was all belly which means he's packed in there and I can feel each and every move he makes. I confessed that I am finally feeling the pain of carrying this baby around. My back is not the same, and I constantly have sharp intense pains in my hips (which is from growing to make room for baby). NOT FUN!! We still look to be on schedule which I was hoping she'd say we would be going early.... but ohh well, I guess Parker is still cooking in there! Seems like time is just flying by and soon Parker will be here! We will keep you updated on our next doctor visit next week!

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