Monday, June 15, 2009

38 week check-up and some good news!!!

This morning was our 38 week check-up. We started off with an ultrasound to check on the baby to make sure everything was still going ok. They couldn't weigh him today because it hasn't been long enough since our last appointment. The ultrasound tech. checked for his "practice breath" which looked good. Next, we had our usual weekly check-up. The nurse was still concerned with Parker's size. Not knowing his weight, she informed us that we might be inducing me NEXT MONDAY. We are set to come in for our weekly check-up Monday at 10:30am. We will first go to ultrasound to check his weight. If it looks like we have't made much progress, they will send me straight downstairs to induce me and prep me for labor! After that news, we were shocked and excited at the same time! It's so surreal now. I'm scared thinking about the delivery but I cannot wait to hold Parker. If anything changes or I go into labor before then .... we will keep you posted! Until then, Monday may be the BIG day!!!!!!

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