Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"LABOR" day .... (our labor story)

Our "labor" day started off like this .... Saturday morning my girlfriend Jamie and I went o breakfast together. I was feeling sore still from the membrane strip, plus having BH contrations on top of that. After breakfast I decided to spend the day at the pool with some friends, thinking the water would help my contractions and maybe trigger labor. I know most people sit around the house after having their membranes stripped, but I was bored and just sitting and waiting didn't sound too fun! So, I hung out at the pool for a bit, got some sun and headed home. When I got home, John was back from work. I had told him how I was still feeling "crampy" but no serious signs of labor. We waited around for a bit and finally I gave in and called the doctor (around 4:30pm). I told her I was contracting but my water hadn't broken yet. She said I could take a chance and come in or I can sit it out and wait. We waited for a couple hours and finally, I walked into the bedroom and said "it's time". I just had feeling in my gut we needed to go. We gathered our things, thinking we would possibly be coming back and headed to the hospital. When we got there, it was us and another girl having a baby on the entire floor. It was scary how quiet the place was. We checked in, and they sent me to a delivery room where I changed into my gown, and began answering a million questions with the nurse. At this point I was basically freaking out, I figured we would be back home sleeping with our dog in a few hours. It was so surreal and I couldn't believe we were there. We didn't want to call anyone until we knew if we were staying for sure. The nurses did some test, and watched how far I dilated within the hour. I came in at 2.5 centimeters and within the hour had progressed to 3.5. My contractions were getting stronger and closer together. So .... the nurse came back and said "are you all ready to have a baby?" My heart dropped, and the sick feeling in my belly began. We called our family and friends to tell them the news (around 8:30pm) John's family was at their lake house, about 1.5 hrs away. They packed up and headed home while my parents were on their way! My best friend Jamie arrived first, I was so happy to see she came prepared with an overnight bag, food, magazines, and redbulls! I knew she was planning on staying for the whole thing! Our parents arrived and everyone started to get excited. Meanwhile, the nurses had broken my water and the PAINFUL contractions began! I CANNOT even explain how these things felt, it was the worse pain I have ever experienced. I think I almost broke the bed railing a couple of times. There was nothing anyone could do for me but watch me go through the intense, painful contractions. I went through these probably for a good hour and maybe 10 total. Then it was epidural time!! Dr. "feel good" was in the house! Once that kicked in, my life was all good! I felt NOTHING. It was strange not being in control thighs down. Our nurse was in and out checking my dilation phases. I went from 4 to 6 to 8 to 9 and then 10 at least by 1:30am. It was crazy how much I was dilating in such a short time. The nurses had planned on delivering Parker around 6 or 7am. We had no clue I would progress that much so we called John's parents and my dad to tell them to hurry back! It was going to be soon!!! I remember around 1:50am the doctor came in, checked me out and said ok, lets start pushing! I was nervous and shocked. I thought for sure I was going to have a c-section. I never imagined pushing. I didn't know how! We could only have 3 people in during the delivery. My mom, John and Jamie stayed by my side the whole way. Jamie wanted to see EVERYTHING, so she took "foot patrol" and hung out down there. Before we knew it, I started to push. The doctor said to push like I was doing crunches. I definitely knew how to do those, so I curled up and held it for 10 seconds. I pushed a total of 4 times and he was out! It was amazing to see how with each push, little by little, his body came out. I was in shock and still am that a baby was inside me. Only 4 pushes and my baby boy that I carried for 9.5 months, that poked and kicked me was finally here. He came out crying and looked absolutely perfect! Everyone was crying and so happy to see the little guy. It was honestly so quick and easy that I still feel like it was a dream. The nurses kept saying how It was such a perfect delivery and they wish everyone's could be like that. John did AMAZING, no passing out .... he even cut the cord with no problem! Parker was born at 2:03 am so we figured that I was in labor for abour 6 hours all together. Piece of cake!!!! After the delievery, we got to hang out with Parker for a bit while the fixed me up. We were in our recovery room by 4am. As you can imagine, I didn't sleep for a good 16 hours after, just still in shock. I still haven't slept a full 8 hour night since Parker was born. One thing is for sure .... I am in love with this little guy, a love that I cannot explain or put into words. What I went through was something amazing, and so surreal. I couldn't have done it without the support of my mom. Jamie, and John. Our baby boy is PERFECT and we cannot take our eyes off of him. We are blessed and thrilled to be his mommy and daddy.

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