Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bringing home baby 6-30-09

We finally got to bring Parker home yesterday. I was so nervous leaving the hospital and knowing we were on our own. The nurses pretty much did everything for us at the hospital so it's over whelming knowing we were in charge for now on! I knew things we would be ok, I think it is very true when people say that your "motherly instincts" kick in once you hold your baby. I am very new to all this and I feel so comfortable with Parker. Yes, I'm sure John and I will make mistakes, but that's what it's all about, a learning process. I was so excited to put Parker in his car seat. He looked so tiny and so sweet. When we got home, I was still so exhausted from the hospital but couldn't rest. I don't want to miss any part of Parker! We had visitors waiting at the house for our arrival already. I didn't get any rest the whole day because people were in and out visiting with Parker, but it was all worth it to me! Night time came and he did great! He woke up about 5 times during the night. Never really cried just started to fuss a bit. We changed diapers, fed, and rocked until he was happy. I was so surprised that he would do so well. He truly is such an easy baby! We are so in love with him and can't take our eyes off of him. It is so true wen people say a mother's love is a love that you cannot explain. It is such an amazing feeling that you brought this miracle into the world.

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