Thursday, July 9, 2009

"I guess that's why they call it the blues"

So, I knew about all the emotional feelings that came along with being pregnant, but no one warned me about being so emotional AFTER the pregnancy. I have been one crying train wreck since Parker was born! I cried leaving the hospital... I was sad leaving my nurses and the comfort of having someone to help us with the push of a button. Before I had Parker, I watched "The Baby Story" and "Bringing Home Baby" religiously on TLC. Now, if I pass it up while channel surfing, I cry! Yes, it's pathetic I know. I absolutley LOVED being pregnant, I loved everything about it! Maybe since I had it so easy, and had such an easy delivery... who knows. When I am rocking my son to sleep in the middle of the night, no matter how tired I am ... I look at him and cry with happiness. I still can't believe something so beautiful, so amazing came from me. John and I are so so lucky, we truly have a beautiful family. No telling when my hormones will be back to normal ... good news is that i'm not crazy and I read that this is normal in some women. We are blessed with a beautiful family and I can't wait to have more ... whenever my husband is ready!

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