Saturday, July 4, 2009

First day out .. off to the doctor's we go!

7-2-09 - Today was Parker's first day out of the house and you bet I was nervous! I was scared to drive, scared how he would act in public, and scared he would do the "do-do" at the doctors. We had to go see Dr. Sturgeon for Parker's first baby evaluation. He did great until they made me undress him to his diaper. He doesn't like being cold, and who does?!? YES, I was the paranoid mommy that didn't want anyone touching her child. I hated how the nurse handled him when she weighed him. I know I'm just being anal, but he's my world now and I want nothing but the best for him. I came with my long list of questions for the doctor, and yes, he laughed and called me crazy ... but I'm new at this, what can you expect?!? So the Dr. Sturgeon did his thing, checked all his parts and the results came back PERFECT! Beautiful skin, weight gain, a perfect healthy baby boy. I was relieved. My mom went with me this time because John had to work. She's been a great help lately and letting me get some rest. After the doctor visit, we stopped by daddy's work to visit and try out his first luxury mattress! He's gonna be a mattress snob like his daddy, I can already tell!!! The day went much better than I thought. No fussy baby, and no dirty diapers. I swear Parker is perfect!

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