Tuesday, July 28, 2009

1 month check-up and 1st SHOT :(

POOR, POOR baby P .... we had our 1 month check-up today which means first SHOT!!! Sooooo wasn't looking forward to this. Actually couldn't sleep over it, knowing that it was gonna hurt him. We headed to the doctors around 10am, I was sick to my stomach! The doctor did his physical and said he looked FANTASTIC! He now weighs a whole 9lbs!!! BIG BOY! The doctor laughed and said "You sure are doing a good job feeding this boy"! He gained more than enough weight, which is a good thing! All his measurements measured perfect, we couldn't be happier! After the doctors, I took baby Parks home for a looooong nap!! Not looking forward to his 2 month ... more shots to come!

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