Monday, July 27, 2009

1 month - where has the time gone?!?

My BIG BOY is now a month old. *(tear)* It's crazy how fast the time has gone and how much baby Parker has changed. Each day is so different with him. His expressions are priceless! We are still figuring out our sleeping schedule .... seems like it's totally different every night. We have our good nights, and then we have our bad. He is now taking 4oz of formula which means he is growing. Although I want him to stay so sweet and little, it's good that he's growing and getting bigger each day. One thing is for sure .... the boy sure does know how to BURP and FART like a man! I mean seriously, who would have thought such a little guy could do that?!? He's still so stinkin' cute though!!! We go to the doctors tomorrow morning for his first shots ... dear GOD, HELP ME!!! I am so nervous and so not looking forward to it. I will post details all about it and PLEASE pray for us and baby Parks that he does ok.

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