Monday, July 20, 2009

Belly button OFF ... time for a BIG BOY bath!

It's a GREAT DAY .... Parker's belly button fell off!!! OK, so I know some people may think I am crazy for celebrating this BIG day ... but what can I say, it's pretty exciting! We noticed that it had fallen off in his little diaper. I was excited because it meant BATH TIME! REAL bath time ... we were starting to get worried that we were going to have the smelly kid in class!! All the milk and spit up that had made it's way under his chin .... ya, not so cute!! SO ... mom and I gave him a bath in my tub. He seemed to LOVE it! The warm water must have felt good to him, or maybe since I took so many baths when he was in my belly, he was just used to it!! Who knows?!? Doesn't he look so sweet in there?!? Love him :)

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