Friday, July 10, 2009

Tips and Tricks - Clothing

Although I have only been a mommy for 12 days, I have picked up on some tricks when it comes to dressing Parker. When you first find out you're pregnant, the fun begins ... and so does the shopping! If you love to shop like me, then shopping for baby is like your new favorite thing to do (sad I know)! I remember even buying a couple of girl onesies at the beginning because John and I were convinced we were carrying a girl .... BOY we're we wrong! So along with shopping for baby, comes the name brands! I mean, who doesn't want their kid wearing POLO, JUICY COUTURE, CALVIN KLIEN, OR BABY ED HARDY?!? It's too cute to pass up. So after buying ALL my name brand clothes and dreaming of the day Parker would be here and then dressing him in all his cute little outfits, I couldn't wait! Well .... ya, not so much. At least not so much RIGHT NOW. When you are constantly changing your little man's diaper every 2-3 hours, it's a pain snapping and zipping or whatever your "cute litlle outfit" requires. My mom and I have found that BABY GOWNS are the way to go! These little sweet gowns are simple and easy to handle when changing, especially at night time. It's still fun to dress him in his cute clothes during the day, but these gowns are awesome! Parker hates when we change him. He hates anything that goes over his little tiny head. We have had a very hard time finding these gowns. BabiesRus only carry a few. We have found some at Macys, Target, and Marshalls. Parker has to wear Preemie diapers since he is so small. We have been buying these gowns in newborn-3 months. They are extra long and we have to roll the sleeves a bit, but they are so much easier than some clothes. Totally recommend these!
Another "baby tip" when having a newborn is buying baby mittens. These are good for newborns because they are constantly rubbing and scratching their little faces. Parker had scratches on his face from his nails. When he came out of my belly, I noticed how long his nails were from the beginning. They seem like they keep growing and growing. It's scary taking nail clippers to a baby. If I notice Parker is playing with his face, I will put these mittens on and it solves the problem!

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