Sunday, June 21, 2009

READY OR NOT .... waiting on you baby P!

So knowing that tomorrow after our doctors appointment and ultrasound we could be getting induced and sent straight to the labor and delivery room is so exciting but soooo scary at the same time. Ever since last doctors appointment when the doctor told us to come Monday morning prepared for delivery it's been so surreal. I can't believe that tomorrow morning we could finally be meeting our son, the little guy that has been kicking me in the belly for 9 1/2 months! I have to admit, I feel like I am ready but not sure if I am?!? I'm scared to death actually. Scared of delivering, scared of surgery, and scared something may go wrong. I know every woman probably goes through the same thing, but it's a very scary situation. The house is ready and prepared for Parker's arrival, the family is all on call, and a babysitter for Bella is waiting next door! Daddy is anxious while mommy is running around like a mad woman cleaning, organizing, and packing. I just want to be fully prepared just in case! I've tried not to get my hopes up in case they do send us back home, but it's hard not too. Tomorrow could be the day!
I can say this for sure .... I have had an absolute WONDERFUL and EASY pregnancy. I have LOVED every single bit of it. It is something you can't explain or put into words unless you have experienced it yourself. I have my own special bond with my son that noone else can have. It's so special and I am so lucky as a woman to have the opportunity to experience this. I never thought pregnancy could be such a fun, amazing, and joyful thing. I love my belly, I love everything about it. Some women think it's the worse thing that can happen to your body, but to me it's amazing. I had fun with dressing my growing belly and all the attention that came with it! I cry thinking about not having my belly anymore, but I know seeing his face will change everything. But who am I kidding .... I cry about everything now. So I will leave it at that, I feel lucky and oh so blessed. John and I can't explain how excited we are. Tomorrow may be the day .... we will keep everyone posted. I'm sure my "hard-working" husband will have his laptop in the delivery room! Keep us in your prayers and if we aren't induced tomorrow morning ... I'll jump back on here soon! Keep your fingers crossed :)

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