Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bags are packed and car seats are ready to go!

We are more than ready for this baby to come! I feel like I have been preparing for baby Parker since we knew of him. Now, it's time and I am feeling much more confident for his arrival! We have our bags packed and most importantly we have Parker's first outfits picked out!!!! Hopefully, I have eveything I need, and hopefully we are home when it is "time". The doctor told us whenever my water breaks I need to "hit the road". No waiting around ... Parker is already so low so we don't want to waste any time. THANK GOD we live close to the hospital! My ideal labor goes like this ....
9am - (showered and ready to go) "ummmm .... babe, my water broke"!!!!
9:30am - on the way to the hospital.
10:00am - settle into labor room
10:01am - epidural time!
10:30am - "ahhhh.... much better"!!
10:35am - "babe, can you get me some crushed ice?"
10:45am - push, breathe, push, breathe ....
11:00am - It's a BOY!!!!

OK, ok .... so I know it's not going to go like that but in my little sweet, perfect little world ... it could happen!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You are by far the most adorable pregnant lady! I LOVE Parker's room! I love your ideal l&d, but if things don't go as planned, which I pray it does... then remember to STAY CALM. =) That's the best advice I can give someone. Don't worry about what you can't control. Just trust that you are in good both the medical team... and the man upstairs. =) You will be such an adorable mom. Good luck and can't wait to see Parker.