Thursday, May 28, 2009

The baby Bucket List

Our baby bucket list has been a list of things we need to do before baby Parker comes. With only 5 weeks left and knowing he can come ANY DAY now .... the pressure is on and my OCD kicks in!
I am proud to say we have accomplished .....

- FINISHED the baby's room (minus small decorating details)
- Washed all toys
- Washed all clothes and organized them by "months"
- Organized baby's closet
- Put together Pack N Play (practiced with it in our bedroom!)
- Put together bouncer
- Organized a spot in the kitchen for BABY. (bottles, bibs, food processor, etc.)
- Started packing our hospital bags.
- Picked out Parker's "first picture" outfit

We have accomplished so many things but I still feel like we have so much to do!!!

This weekend we are ...

- Finishing packing our hospital bags
- Picking up our swing
- Finding a rocking chair
- Getting bases/ carseats installed at the fire department

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