Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My top 10 things every pregnant woman needs ....

1. A good lotion/cream. I use a variety of different lotions everyday. I like a buttermilk lotion for my body and a cocoa butter cream for my belly. Luckily, I don't have stretch marks, but they say cocco butter does the trick! Throughout my pregnancy, I experienced severe itching all over my body. THANKFULLY, it has gone away for the most part. Still always good to apply all over!
2. A soft robe. I recently read up on what to pack for the delivery room, and a good robe was highly suggested. I came accross a fantastic soft, thin, and very lightweight robe from Victoria Secret. I am in love with it and think it will be great for the delivery room!
3. A supportive bra. OK, now this is very important. I don't know about others, but my boobs are enormous, already! I bought a good supportive bra from VS and so far, it's been a great help! Now, pretty soon I'm sure I will be heading back for the next size up .... what's next .... e? f? g?
4. A heating pad. Heat always does the trick for me when my back is killing me. Lately, I have found it hard to sleep and sit certain ways because my back hurts so much. The greatest invention ever is SEAT WARMERS! Luckily, John and I have seat warmers in all of our cars. They work wonders!
5. Relaxing cd. I am a huge fan of relaxing music. I use mine just about everyday. Not just for the bathtub, but I also like to play it when I am in the baby's room. I know he can hear it, so I play it for him as much as possible.
6. A good fan. With the weather getting warmer everyday, a fan is a must! John and I just bought one of those tall, skinny fans that moves back in forth. Not only does it keep you cool, but I have read that they are a great "white noise" sound for when the baby sleeps. If you get them used to hearing it now, they are reminded of the sound and hopefully they will sleep better!
7. A boppy. Every woman needs one of these! With a growing belly, it's very hard to find a comfortable spot to sleep. I went from sleeping on my belly, to being forced to sleep on my side or back. Not fun! The boppy is good for evening out your weight so that it's easier to sleep.
8. One dress that makes you feel FABULOUS! It's hard to feel good about yourself when you are gaining weight everyday, but it's important to still dress your best! I love fashion and I will do anything to still look cute even with a belly. I am lucky and don't have to wear maternity clothes yet, but no matter your situation, always have one dress on hand that makes you feel sexy!
9. A calendar/date book. This is always good to keep track of ALL your doctor appointments. I know that I still get confused with my days and times. Especially, now that my doctor visits are weekly, it's important to keep things written down.
10. A good, but stylish pair of comfy shoes. Summer time is the best for shoes! I absolutely LOVE shoes and although, I had to cut back on the heels for now, I still rock a cute, sexy flat. It is important to be comfy when you're pregnant, but there are many fantastic flats out there! Choose wisely ladies!

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