Monday, May 18, 2009

34 weeks ... are we there yet?!?

Wow, time is flying by and BRING ON THE PAIN!! It seems like my body is changing more and more each day. I am exhausted just walking from the bedroom to the kitchen. I am finding it hard to run my errands now. I CAN'T hardly sleep at all. Parker has this new "schedule" thing going on. He wakes up at 4:30am kicking and punching. Let's hope this isn't a quick preview of what's to come when he is here! I have not had a good sleep in awhile. It seems like he is in my ribs constantly and if not there, his BIG feet are kicking my right side! The "potty" is my new best friend. I find myself peeing more than I did in a year before I was prego! It's hard with a 4 lb baby sitting on your bladder.
Now that my body is changing so much, I feel like he is coming any day. Thankfully, John and I are pretty much prepared. I am feeling anxious, nervous but so excited to meet my baby boy! We're getting closer!!

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