Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

So it's FINALLY boating season .... right when I'm about to POP. Go figure!! We had big plans for the weekend, plans to relax on the river with good friends. Unfortunantely, the weather wasn't so perfect. We got to hang out on the river a couple times. Last year at this time, I was bathing beauty and this year, YA, not sooooo much!!!! I'm HOT, out of breath and very very exhausted! Parker has not given me much room to breathe lately. My belly is growing more and more everyday. Everyone says I look like I'm carrying a basketball in my belly and trust me, it feels much bigger than a basketball!!! We also were celebrating John's birthday. Technically, his birthday was April 11th (our wedding day), so since he didn't get a party, I decorated the house with signs and gave him his presents!
All in all, the weekend was fun and relaxing. John and I are really trying to just relax and enjoy eachothers company before Parker gets here. I guess you can say "our quiet time"!

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