Sunday, May 10, 2009

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all my mommy's!!!!

Mother's Day has a whole new meaning to me now. Although Parker is not yet here, my husband still celebrated Mother's Day for me. He gave me a gift card for a day of pampering at the spa and took me to the outlets to go shopping! I feel so lucky to be Parker's mommy and I cannot wait to share the gift of a child with John. Next year will be so different and I we are so excited to spend it as a family.
I want to especially tell my mom how much she means to me. I could not imagine my life without my mom, she has stood by me through everything. She has always been my number one fan, a shoulder to lean on, and someone I can cry to. Now that I am going to be a mommy, I have realized how important it is to keep that special bond with eachother. Without my mom, I would be lost. Words cannot describe how much she means to me and I can only hope I will be a WONDERFUL mother like her! I LOVE YOU mom and THANK YOU for being my mommy and Parker's Nana :)
I also want to say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my new mommy's, Nancy and Karen. John and I are so lucky to have all you great women in our lives. Parker is surrounded by so much love within this family and we cannot wait for him to meet all of you! THANK YOU for being our moms and grandmas to our son. We love you all :)

To my baby boy Parker,
Words cannot describe the feelings I already have for you, and when you are here, my heart will be filled with a very special kind of love. A mothers love. Daddy and I are celebrating Mother's Day with you in my belly and just thinking that next year, YOU, our little man will be here! Time is going by so fast and you will soon be here in our arms. I want you to know how lucky you are to be surrounded by such a wonderful, loving family who cannot wait to see your sweet little face. Mommy loves you and cannot wait to hold you :)
Love, mommy

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