Sunday, May 3, 2009

Birthday/Oaks/Derby 2009

My amazing hubby surprised me with a birthday party at RAW and a white Toy Watch for the big 25!!! We had all our friends there to celebrate with us. John had his friends come in town from L.A and Chicago for the weekend for Derby, so they were at the party too!
I went to the Oaks with my mom and her friend Chris. We had great seats inside with the free food so I was a happy girl! John had to work all day so when I came home, we hung out at the house with all our guest and played the Wii. We all woke up the next morning to prepare for the Derby. Everything actually went pretty smooth considering we had 7 guest running around trying to get ready! I was smart and woke up a 7am to get an early start! One good thing about not being able to drink .... I was up and at it ready to go! We got on the road and headed to the Derby. My dad ended up getting John and I and some friends some great seats inside so I could sit and relax if I needed to. THANK GOD! John had a box on the finish line which was PERFECT seats to watch the races. Everyone had so much fun and by the end of the day, we were all exhausted! For being 8 months pregnant, I was pretty proud of myself for making it both days heels and all! Can't wait for next year (if we can find a babysitter!)

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