Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What is the deal?!?

The past couple of days have been a living nightmare. Do you ever have those days when you feel like nothing is going right? YEA, well welcome to my world! First of all, I have been sick as a dog the past two days. I guess the pregnancy is finally catching up to me now. I couldn't stand the sight, smell, or thought of food. I found myself making a couple trips to the bathroom to get sick. Lovely, I know! It's days like these when you really miss your mom sitting on the bathroom floor holding your hair for you. Luckily, John missed out on all the fun, but was by my side as soon as he came home from work. He gave me sprite and rubbed my back when I needed it. Thankfully, I am feeling much better today. Hopefully this was a one-time thing!
Let's see what else .... Oh, did I forget to mention that my WEDDING DRESS never came in! Yea, technically it was supposed to be here March 27th. They forgot to tell me that it actually ships on that day, so I paid to have it shipped overnight. Excited to see my dress come Monday morning, I patiently waited for them to call. They never did. So I called them to track my dress down, when they said they were closed for a bridal show. I was VERY upset and demanded to speak to the owner. They ended up telling me that there was a volcano where the dress was shipping from so it would be late! Seriously? A volcano? Just my luck. So the dress will finally be here Wed .... we hope! Alterations and fitting takes place Thursday morning. So let's see, we have one week to get this dress fitted and looking good. Let's hope Parker hasn't grown too much and the dress still fits!
On a side note ... I ordered my shoes and I hope they will work for me the whole night! They are 3 1/2 inches tall, but when you marry a man that is 6'5, you have to at least try to measure up as best as you can (for pictures)! I will be bringing a pair of flats for the boat ride.
Let's see what else .... the rings are in, the cake is finalized, daddy's suit is in and at the tailors, now let's pray mommy's dress comes in and makes it to the wedding on time.

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