Sunday, March 8, 2009

6 months and growing!

I am officially 24 weeks, 6 months pregnant. I have been feeling pretty sick and tired lately. Could be the wedding stress or just the baby making me feel this way. Maybe since I have had such an easy pregnancy thus far, it's now starting to catch up?!? Ahhh .. hope not. I am finding it hard to wear jeans or anything somewhat tight around my belly. Riding in the car is sometimes painful. My back aches, and I feel HUGE! I feel like he is always moving around, kicking and punching! I can feel his head once he is settled. It's still so crazy to me that he's inside my belly. John had his head on my belly the other night to listen for his heartbeat, the baby must have heard his voice so he gave daddy a big kick in the head. John's face was priceless! He was so excited! I told him that he knew his daddy was listening for him and he just wanted to say hi. My best friend Jamie also got to feel his little kicks. I had her feel where his head was when it was bulging on one side .... she said she also felt his two little feet! Such an amazing feeling and just knowing that he's getting bigger makes me more and more excited for him to come!
Right now baby "O" is the size of an eggplant. He is growing so fast! At this point, you can actually hear his heartbeat with no stethoscope. His eyes are forming and he will soon perfect his sweet little blink!

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