Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pregzilla and Bridezilla?1?! .... ouchhh!

OK, it's offical, I have been called "pregzilla" and "bridezilla" ... poor guy! It's hard keeping a smile, and pretending you feel well 24/7 when you are pregnant. Trust me! With EVERYTHING going on right now, wedding planning, baby planning, showers, and getting the house baby ready .... it's hard keeping up, especially when you constantly feel sick. I set a goal for John and I to have to baby room done by our first shower which is Mach 21st. NEXT WEEKEND!! We are in the middle of changing all the rooms around. We have turned one formal dinning room into our new office. The new office furniture came in yesterday, so we started putting that together. Still have the desk to do tonight! Once that room is done, we are turning the old office into the guest room. Then comes babys room! Ahhhh .... just writing about it makes me stressed! It's hard to do things on my own when John is at work, I can't lift so I'm just trying to organzie things. When i'm feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I try to take a relaxing bath and listen to my feng shui music! My wonderful fiance takes very good care of me, even if I'm acting like a crazy women! Hopefully things will start getting a little less stressful, and I can start looking forward to our honeymoon :)

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