Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Classy baby!

We finally got Parker's chandelier in. I have been so excited to put it in his room. I think it matches his bedding perfectly! The chandelier took a little longer to put up then we thought it would. John and his friend Shane spent all night dealing with his light and getting it the right height so daddy won't hit his head! When it was done, the boys yelled "ohh princess ... your light is up"! I guess I was being a little too pushy and giving too many directions .... but in the end, it looked FABULOUS! I think Parker will love it :)

What is the deal?!?

The past couple of days have been a living nightmare. Do you ever have those days when you feel like nothing is going right? YEA, well welcome to my world! First of all, I have been sick as a dog the past two days. I guess the pregnancy is finally catching up to me now. I couldn't stand the sight, smell, or thought of food. I found myself making a couple trips to the bathroom to get sick. Lovely, I know! It's days like these when you really miss your mom sitting on the bathroom floor holding your hair for you. Luckily, John missed out on all the fun, but was by my side as soon as he came home from work. He gave me sprite and rubbed my back when I needed it. Thankfully, I am feeling much better today. Hopefully this was a one-time thing!
Let's see what else .... Oh, did I forget to mention that my WEDDING DRESS never came in! Yea, technically it was supposed to be here March 27th. They forgot to tell me that it actually ships on that day, so I paid to have it shipped overnight. Excited to see my dress come Monday morning, I patiently waited for them to call. They never did. So I called them to track my dress down, when they said they were closed for a bridal show. I was VERY upset and demanded to speak to the owner. They ended up telling me that there was a volcano where the dress was shipping from so it would be late! Seriously? A volcano? Just my luck. So the dress will finally be here Wed .... we hope! Alterations and fitting takes place Thursday morning. So let's see, we have one week to get this dress fitted and looking good. Let's hope Parker hasn't grown too much and the dress still fits!
On a side note ... I ordered my shoes and I hope they will work for me the whole night! They are 3 1/2 inches tall, but when you marry a man that is 6'5, you have to at least try to measure up as best as you can (for pictures)! I will be bringing a pair of flats for the boat ride.
Let's see what else .... the rings are in, the cake is finalized, daddy's suit is in and at the tailors, now let's pray mommy's dress comes in and makes it to the wedding on time.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wedding celebration dinner party 3-28-09

The big day is very close and thinking about it stresses me out!! We are definitely ready and excited but also looking forward to Mexico! My "new" family decided to throw a us dinner party to celebrate our wedding. It was full of both families and friends. It's always a good time when everyone gets together. We are so thankful to have such a great family that stands by us the whole way! We CANNOT wait for April 11th .... it's getting so close!

Baby/ Bella trial run!

So we had some friends over for the UL game last week. They brought their 3 kids that were so sweet. They had a 6 month old little boy named Sammy that I couldn't keep my hands off! He was probably the happiest baby ever, and I pray Parker will be like him! So we laid him on his belly to see what Bella would do. She did wonderful, she was so excited about the baby, and didn't want him to leave! Seriously, she follwed me around when I was holding him. I think Bella will do great with Parker and will be a great big sister!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

6 months, 26 weeks, 100 days until baby!

OK, here's your picture for the week! John and I had dinner with an old college buddy of his at Jeff Ruby's tonight. He actually just had a baby boy and we spent the whole time talking about how boys are better than girls! He made us both more excited for Parker's arrival. It's hard to believe just 100 days until he will be in our arms! Next week will be 7 months!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"YESSSSSSS ..... I am pregnant"

OK, so it seems like EVERYWHERE I go now, people just HAVE to make some kind of comment to me, like "awwww, a baby" or "so cute." I was in Home Depot yesterday getting the rest of Parker's paint, when I was standing in line, the man behind me tapped me on the shoulder and asked "so, are you excited?" In my head, I thought it would be funny to play it off and say about what?!? But I didn't and we ended up having a 30 minute conversation about babies. I find women all the time coming up to me and saying how cute I look with my belly ..... not saying these comments are a bad thing! I guess it's just a part of being pregnant .... the stares, glares, and funny comments!

I will post a picture soon to update you on my growing baby boy!

Say "No No" to "Wee Wee"

YES ..... it is! I found this at BabiesRus today and thought it was hilarious! I had to get it, and I think it might just come in handy!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Parker's first baby shower 3-21-09

We had our first shower yesterday, hosted by my best friend Jamie and her mom Vicki. The party was a great success, filled with family and friends. All the people we love! It was so good to see everyone and share stories about babies and old times. John and I are so blessed to have so many people that love and care about us. We got so many great gifts and we know Parker will love them too!!
One of my favorite touches to the party was all the baby books. Jamie sent a message inside every invitation saying to bring a baby book for Parker and write a message inside for him. It was such a cute idea! The messages were filled with love for John, Parker and I. I cannot wait to start reading to him!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Someone got into the paint in the baby's room! I thought I'd leave you with this picture of Bella ... Happy St. Pattys Day :)

Getting started on baby Parker's room ...

We finally got a start on Parker's room. John got his way and we both agreed on making Parker's room the old office. I thought it would be way too small but after clearing the office out, I think it will do! Plus, it's right next door to our bedroom so we can hear him cry and get to him quicker. We decided to paint his room a lime green. WOW ... the first coat (which is in the picture) was pretty bright!!! Scary even. We finished putting the second coat on tonight and it looks much better!!! I'm just looking forward to decorating and getting our furniture! I think once everything comes together it's gonna be super cute! I can't wait.
I also attached a picture of our new office. Turned out pretty good I think. We will keep posting pics of the room as it comes along!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Is it boating season yet?

This cold weather is killing me!!! I just want to throw on a loose sundress and cute flip-flops. It's hard dressing cute and trying to look comfortable. I refuse to wear mu mu's. I haven't yet stepped foot in a maternity store nor do I ever want too! I do have some prego "handydowns" from my old dance team coach that are cute and fashionable, and yes I do wear some of them! I have been looking online at maternity swimsuits. Let's just say NOT CUTE and not my style! I did find a cute swimsuit that I absolutely adore and cannot wait to wear it. Black is the key, it at least makes you look thinner and not so prego! I tried on some suits for John and he still loves me in a bikini even with my belly! That's why I love him! I'm thinking in Mexico I will totally rock a two-piece, belly and all.
As for the weather here, it's time for a change. Bring on the sun! I am looking forward to putting our boat in the water and just relaxing on the layout deck and getting some sun! Maybe if we all just think warm, happy thoughts, summer will come sooner!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pregzilla and Bridezilla?1?! .... ouchhh!

OK, it's offical, I have been called "pregzilla" and "bridezilla" ... poor guy! It's hard keeping a smile, and pretending you feel well 24/7 when you are pregnant. Trust me! With EVERYTHING going on right now, wedding planning, baby planning, showers, and getting the house baby ready .... it's hard keeping up, especially when you constantly feel sick. I set a goal for John and I to have to baby room done by our first shower which is Mach 21st. NEXT WEEKEND!! We are in the middle of changing all the rooms around. We have turned one formal dinning room into our new office. The new office furniture came in yesterday, so we started putting that together. Still have the desk to do tonight! Once that room is done, we are turning the old office into the guest room. Then comes babys room! Ahhhh .... just writing about it makes me stressed! It's hard to do things on my own when John is at work, I can't lift so I'm just trying to organzie things. When i'm feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I try to take a relaxing bath and listen to my feng shui music! My wonderful fiance takes very good care of me, even if I'm acting like a crazy women! Hopefully things will start getting a little less stressful, and I can start looking forward to our honeymoon :)

The Rings!!

Alot of people have asked to put a picture of my ring up ... so here ya go! Absolutely GORGEOUS, I know! He did very very well! John and I were engaged on Christmas morning. He decided he wanted to do it with just us two present. We had a dinner the night before at his dads house with his side of the family. Everyone had already known about the ring, he was taking them in a room behind my back to show them the ring. I never even caught on! My parents had known already, John called my dad to ask him for his permission to marry me. Anyways, to my surprise, he asked me to marry him on Christmas morning after opening all our gifts. I was shocked and totally excited. He is truly my best friend and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with him!
With all the planning going on right now, we finally got around to wedding ring shopping! Luckily, my Tacori engagement ring already had a mate to match it perfectly. So I tried it on and signed the papers. John was not so picky about his ring. He wants nothing flashy, just a plain platinum band! Pretty easy! So we left feeling pretty good and can't wait until they come in!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

So Sweet!

Let's just say that John and I have some pretty amazing friends that truly care about us and our baby boy. We came home to a gift bag full of the cutest bibs, burp cloths, and monogrammed baby blankets. Our friend Holly had made these adorable gifts for us. We couldn't be more appreciative to have such wonderful friends! We are so truly blessed :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

6 months and growing!

I am officially 24 weeks, 6 months pregnant. I have been feeling pretty sick and tired lately. Could be the wedding stress or just the baby making me feel this way. Maybe since I have had such an easy pregnancy thus far, it's now starting to catch up?!? Ahhh .. hope not. I am finding it hard to wear jeans or anything somewhat tight around my belly. Riding in the car is sometimes painful. My back aches, and I feel HUGE! I feel like he is always moving around, kicking and punching! I can feel his head once he is settled. It's still so crazy to me that he's inside my belly. John had his head on my belly the other night to listen for his heartbeat, the baby must have heard his voice so he gave daddy a big kick in the head. John's face was priceless! He was so excited! I told him that he knew his daddy was listening for him and he just wanted to say hi. My best friend Jamie also got to feel his little kicks. I had her feel where his head was when it was bulging on one side .... she said she also felt his two little feet! Such an amazing feeling and just knowing that he's getting bigger makes me more and more excited for him to come!
Right now baby "O" is the size of an eggplant. He is growing so fast! At this point, you can actually hear his heartbeat with no stethoscope. His eyes are forming and he will soon perfect his sweet little blink!

Silly daddy!

After our meeting at Captain's Quarters, we noticed an old school "Miami Vice" Ferrari parked next to John's car. I thought it would funny to take a picture of him standing next to it. He looked like a giant!!

A great weekend!!

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't kept the post going this past week, I haven't been feeling so good lately and we've been super busy! Just wanted to update you on our weekend. Here ya go ....
Friday morning started off with a quick training session with mommy, daddy, and Bella with the famous "dog whisperer" Matt Duffy! We have been working on getting Bella used to the idea of a baby around the house. To our surprise, she did very well! She now knows that mommy is always carrying a baby in her hands and cannot jump on me like she used to. She is very curious, and knows something "new" is about to happen. The baby's room is absolutely off limits now! She apparently thinks the baby's toys are hers, and also likes to steal his clothes! She is quickly learning, and we have great confidence in our little Bella :)
Saturday we met with our coordinator at Captain's Quarters. We went over wedding day details ... colors, food, flowers, cake, and just about every detail for our big day! We left extremely excited! I finally finished my invitations. I designed them myself since we basically had NO time to get them made in time for RSVP's. We finally got around to registering at Macy's and Bed Bath & Beyond. Since our wedding is just immediate family and our reception is just friends and family ... we are doing things pretty laid back! Still stressful though! Our color scheme for the boat will be black and white. Our cake is pretty funky, not your usual wedding cake - but we love it!! It fits our contemporary style. I am making my own table decorations. Flower vases full of giant feathers. I think once it's all put together, it will look great! We both agreed that we want our day to be non-stressful and fun. We want everyone to just enjoy being together and celebrate our day!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Wedding plans finalized!!!

OK, so the date is set. APRIL 11th, 2009, John and I will be Mr. and Mrs.
From the beginning, we both agreed that we wanted to be married before the baby. Our original plan was to get married on the beach in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Unfortunantely, to get married in Mexico they want all kinds of crazy things! They want blood samples, X-rays, and other creepy things. Not exactly what we had in mind for a relaxing, romantic wedding.
So we have decided on April 11th, 2009 for the BIG day. We will be married in the beautiful home of John Otter, Sr. The actual wedding will be a small intimate ceremony with close friends and family by our sides. We will then have our reception following shortly after on the Captain's Quarters CQ Princess. This yacht is AMAZING! We will cruise for 3 hours, including dinner, dancing, and celebrating!! The boat will be decorated with a special touch of "us", and since we both love the water and boating so much, we think this is the most perfect place to celebrate our big day! We cannot wait :)
We will be leaving for our honeymoon on April 15th for 2 weeks in Playa del Carman, Mexico. This way we can actually relax and enjoy being newlyweds.

23 week doctor visit

This morning at 9am we had our 23 week doctor visit. We did the usual vital signs and weight check before seeing the doctor. The good news is that I gained some weight! I'm officially at 107lbs. now! Don't worry moms .... the doctor said my weight was good. John and I were both worried that I still wasn't gaining enough weight but the doctor said I was doing just fine. She said I should be gaining more weight the next couple of months.
After the weight talk, the doctor did a quick belly check and listened to the heartbeat. Once again, he was very active and very healthy! So our 23 week check up was all good news! Next appointment is set for April 6th, 8:15am. We will keep you updated!