Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Was that what I thought it was?

So we all know by now that this baby inside my belly is a VERY active baby from my ultrasound day when he wouldn't stay still. Last night, I cooked John and I a nice healthy dinner. After we were done eating, we sat in bed to watch the bachelor (well I did at least). I all the sudden got a craving for some icing. Yes, icing! This may seem weird to some, but I have always kept a tub of icing in the fridge for a late night snack! So last night, I ate a couple spoon fulls of icing and I was satisfied! Not even 5 minutes later, the baby was up and kicking. I told John to put his hand on my belly to feel, and sure enough, he was going crazy! Now, I don't know if it was a bad thing or a good thing but he sure was active. After awhile, I started watching my belly. I was amazed to see that I could actually see him kick. It was unreal! I made John watch, and he also saw the same thing. After about an hour, I guess he got tired and buried himself at the bottom of my belly and went to bed .... FINALLY!!

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