Thursday, February 26, 2009

22 Week Mommy and baby update

My belly is growing as you can see! I can feel him getting bigger and bigger every day. I'm having a hard time sleeping. He wants to play at night as soon as I lay down for bed. The kicking is getting more intense and lasting a lot longer! I have found myself running from the bedroom to the bathroom just about every hour of the night. No fun!
The good news is I feel like I am getting a bigger appetite which means gaining more weight! At our last visit to the doctors, they told me I really need to start putting some weight on. I had lost some weight in the beginning, which is normal! I was at 104 lbs. last visit. John has done very well keeping me on my feet about eating healthy and drinking lots of apple juice! We have also made a couple stops at the famous EVA MAE'S with John's dad and Nancy for the fabulous chocolate cake! So for sure I have at least put on some pounds! Our next doctors apt. is next Monday so I will keep everyone updated on the weight gain!!!

P.s - I woke up this morning with Bella's head on my belly. She would move everytime he kicked but seemed to enjoy laying there. We tell her that she has a baby brother in there and that she has to be nice to him. I wonder if she truly knows what's going on?!? I think so :)

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