Saturday, February 7, 2009

Registering for baby Otter :)

Today, we got out and registered for the baby! We registered at "BabiesRus" today and planing on finishing at Target tomorrow. It was quite the experience! Lucky us, we had a good friend meet us there who is a new mommy herself. She was a HUGE help and told us exactly what to register for and what not to get. John was the official "scanner", sometimes going a little overboard -- but who could blame him, it was pretty fun! We picked out our stroller set which I'm pretty excited for and most of all we picked out our beautiful baby furniture! We went with the black crib, armoir, and changing table. We both like the black because it seems more modern and it will fit perfectly with our house! I decided to do my own bedding idea. Instead of a "theme" I am working around a mobile we bought. I love the colors in it and the cute little funky animals hanging from it! I know it will take more time to do the room this way, but I want to make it our own. I'm pretty creative and have a pretty cool plan for the room. We will keep you updated piece by piece as soon as the room construction starts!

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