Friday, February 27, 2009

The BIG sister's new haircut!!!

Below is a picture of our dog Bella before she visited the doggie salon! Today we took Bella in for her first haircut! She was way overdue and in major need of one. We like to take her to the park when the weather is nice, but lately have had some strange looks from other dog walkers. People ask us all the time if we highlight her hair!!! She had this crazy colored long hair that was part brown/ part blonde. She literally looked like she got highlights, and with me being a blonde myself and walking her in the park alone, people look at me funny like I was some "Hollywood" crazy woman that dresses her in fluffy dresses, and takes her to the salon for some great highlights!
When I picked her up from the vet, they handed Bella to me and I didn't even recognize her! She was brown, all brown! She looked like a brand new puppy. When they put her down, she took off for the door - and I knew it was her! Same ole' Bella! I think she was happy with her new cut. At least she can see now!
Next week is training with Matt Duffy. He is going to help me with correcting her so when the baby comes, she behaves. I have faith in my little Bella and have no doubt she will be a good big sister!!!

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