Monday, February 2, 2009

It's a BOY!

Today was the most amazing day of our journey so far. We had our first ultrasound at 9am, and after weeks of thinking we were having a girl we were pleasantly surprised to find out we are having a boy! We were blessed to have both moms and my best friend Jamie there to witness our baby boy in person. It was absolutely breathtaking. Words cannot explain how it feels to see your baby for the first time. If I could sit in that doctor's office and watch him play in my belly all day, I would! He was full of energy this morning -- tossing and turning on his back and belly. He was kicking, punching, and pretty much "showing off" for all of us (guessing he gets that from his mommy)! The nurse looked at the baby's insides -- his bones, brain, and heart. All which were PERFECT! That's all daddy and I needed to hear. I couldn't sleep the past couple of nights thinking about the baby and his health. We were all relieved to hear such good news!
Since we felt like the baby was a girl, we had only girl names picked out. We called it Claire Embree Otter. So it looks like with our new little surprise of a baby boy, it's back to the baby books! We are confident that we will find the most perfect name to fit our baby boy!
With all the excitement this morning and all the phone calls to friends and family, it was hard to focus on anything else but baby. I found myself already shopping for him. He is already set for this year's boating season, boat shoes and all! I can't wait! He will love the water and boating just like his daddy :)
It's been a LONG day and long week with NO power and finally around 8:00 tonight, our power kicked back on. So we can all rest safe and sound in our own bed ... mommy, daddy, and our baby boy :)

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