Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Can I get a mustard sandwich with peppers and maybe some pickles? (weird cravings)

OK, so I have heard crazy stories of pregnant women craving some weird things but I thought from the beginning that I've had it pretty easy ..... until now! I have always been a pretty picky eater so when I do eat, it's not always normal foods! Lets just say I have been OBSESSED with McDonalds and Pizza my whole life. If I had it my way, I would eat the two every day. I recently realized that my belly cannot handle the thought, looks, or most of all, the smell of PAPA JOHNS pizza. John and I decided one night to order a pizza. We ordered Papa Johns, the usual cheese, and onions for him! I was taking a bath when the pizza man came. John walked by the door with the pizza when I immediately bent over so sick to my stomach. I couldn't believe it. Pizza? Noooo not my cheese pizza! I guess I had found my "smell" that makes me sick. Even the commercials on t.v make me sick! Now, I can eat other pizzas from other places. For some strange reason it's Papa Johns .. who would have thought?!? My wonderful fiance was so sweet the other night and ordered me a pizza from Pizza Hut and had them make a smiley face with pepperonis. It made me smile after a bad day. Ohhh the things he does to please me!!
Another CRAZY craving I have had recently is for spicy things. And I mean I like it HOT! Give me the hottest peppers you can find! I have also been craving a VIRGIN Bloody Mary like almost every night! The weird thing is that I never even drank them before I was pregnant. Ohhh but the hot, spicy taste of that drink is amazing to me! John makes me one before bed sometimes or just whenever I have the urge to drink one!!
Chocolate cake is my weakness. I never ate cake growing up or really even before getting pregnant. I was aways the little girl that just ate the icing off the cake at birthday parties! Now, it's a daily or nightly snack. We like this little restaurant on the river called Eva Mae's that has the BEST chocolate cake. We have found ourselves visiting there more often just for the cake! John's dad even keeps it on hand at his house when he knows we may be stopping by!
As of now, that's pretty much all I crave at the moment. But we still have about 4 more months to go, so who knows what may happen! I'll keep you posted :)

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