Friday, October 2, 2009

Spoke too soon!

OK, NO I do NOT have the swine flu or anything close, but last night our little buggy was not feeling so well. He seemed like he was congested and not feeling good at all. We decided to give him a warm bath around 6:15, a bit of tylenol and put him to bed. EARLY. I felt so bad for the little guy. We just knew he didn't feel good. He actually slept until about 1:30am, had a quick bottle and back to bed until about 8am. Then mommy woke up not feeling well. Hmmmmm .... I guess when you are a stay-at-home mom, you take a risk of sharing germs between you and your baby. So, I got up and headed to the doctor. John thankfully got to stay home from work to take care of us both! The final results ..... I have a double ear infection, sinus infection and a sore throat. Not good. But the doctor gave me some good medicine and I hope to be back to normal soon. As for buggy, the doctor said to continue to take his temperature and try rubbing some baby rub on his chest, neck, and back. He already sleeps with a warm humidifier so hopefully the rub will do the trick! Poor daddy was stuck home all day taking care of us both. Thank God for him, because I couldn't have done it without him. He even made my special chili for dinner! Off to take the second dose of my medicine and off to bed I go.
- Yours truly
sniffy, coughing mommy :(

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