Thursday, October 1, 2009

Back to PLAYA we go!!!

Once again, my AMAZING husband planned another dream vacation to Playa del Carmen! He said I get a "honeymoon do over" this time not pregnant! We are leaving December 26th, and returning January 3rd. We have two other couples going with us this time so we are looking forward to showing them around "our spot". We want to one day get a place down there since we love it so much! Our friends Rich, Jill, Brandon, and Kristi are going with us! Sooooo fun, especially since we will be there for New Years! Our unit we are staying in is called Porta Playa. These are new, and similar to the penthouse we stayed at last time, but BETTER! Our rooftop has our own pool, hot tub, and a fabulous grill! The inside is BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to go and already counting down the days! I am one lucky and spoiled little girl :)

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