Sunday, October 25, 2009

Parker's 4 month check-up

We had Parker's 4 month check-up last Friday. He officially weighs 15.5lbs! I thought for sure he would be at least 18lbs. He's getting so BIG and so are my arm muscles from holding him! Everything looked great. I came in with a list of questions for the doctor, she probably thought I was crazy, but i'm just a first time mommy with LOTS of questions! Parker has had some problems with his eyes ever since he was born. They said his tear ducts are not fully developed therefore we constantly have to wipe them. All his measurments were in the 55-75% range, which is perfect. I had no idea that Parker was getting shots again at this appointment. I had to take him by myself this time becasue John was in a meeting. Ya, not so fun dealing with one very ANGRY baby by yourself! BUT, after a few minutes, he didn't even remember and he was passed out! Since Parker is doing great with his formula, the doctor said we could start trying cereal at night. This might help him sleep even more at night. We will keep our fingers crossed he does well with the cereal!

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