Monday, October 19, 2009

Parker's FIRST day of school!

Here is Parker before he left for school this morning. We dropped him off at the church at 9:30am and YES, I was nervous, and YES I had tears in my eyes when I left him. He started crying as soon as we got there. His teacher told me it was best to leave without him seeing me. Poor bubby. BUT, I did enjoy my day off. I actually got a whole grocery list of stuff. The first since Parker was born. It's hard going grocery shopping with a baby. After that I headed to the gym, then cleaned the house! 2:00 came too fast! I DID miss him though and was so excited to pick him up. His teacher said she could tell he was VERY spoiled from being held all the time. But who wouldn't want to hold him, he's WAY too cute to put down! I think Mother's Day Out was a great success and good for both Parker and I. Next school day is Wednesday!

- Your's truly,
Proud Momma

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