Sunday, October 4, 2009

HOUSE hunting 101

So this whole house hunting thing isn't as easy as I thought. I imagined walking in to the house of our dreams and leaving saying SOLD! Ya, well not so easy! John and I put our house up for sale pretty much the week the baby was born. YES, as you can imagine, I was not happy about the whole situation with a new baby and all. My mind was only on Parker and nothing else. John and I both agreed that we need more space. We both LOVE our house now, truly it is perfect, but we DO need the room. Especially since I want to have another baby.... soon! Sooooo I have been very patient with hosting open houses here, baby and all. We have had tons of people look at the house but no offers yet. Not so much a bad thing because we haven't found our dream house yet. John and I have looked at a lot of houses, but agree that we want a house that we can make our home. We both agree that
1) We LOVE Oldham County and love the school system out there
2) We want a house with a upscale kitchen that opens to a great room
3) We want a HUGE master bedroom with a spacious and luxurious bathroom. HUGE closet for me!
4) At least 4 bedrooms
5) A great backyard for Parker to play and grounds for a potential pool
We both LOVE to entertain guest so we want a house that is great for friends and family to enjoy. We have been looking at a couple of houses on the river and have absolutely fallen in love with them. We both love the water and can see us building our family around water. Since we have a boat and jetski, it just makes perfect since that we have a house on the river. Hopefully things work out in our favor and our dreams come true! I never imagined house hunting could be so hard!!!

- Yours truly,
looking for our dream house

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