Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mommy's Day Out

So, we all know that being a "stay-at-home" mommy can be tough. Not only are you getting up at night but you are constantly 24/7 baby. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE being at home with my son, but sometimes we need a break! Parker has all the sudden started getting up AGAIN in the night. Geeeezzz, just when I get excited about him sleeping 9 hours. We call this our little "set-backs". Hmmmmmm ..... hopefully this is just a phase. We have started seeing signs of teething so this may be the problem! I feel like a walking zombie ONCE AGAIN! He only naps a couple times a day and only for a few minutes. So I am constantly holding, feeding, and entertaining him. Sooooo, my prayers were answered and I found a "Mommy's day out" program at the church behind our house. It is called Second Presbyterian Church and it is perfect. I can literally walk there. I stopped in to check it out. I was very happy with it. It's not so much a daycare, much smaller and less kids. The teachers were wonderful, very experienced and sweet. The program will be 2 days a week starting at 9am-2pm. I think this will work great for me. We decided to take him Mondays and Wednesdays. This way it gives me time to go to the grocery, clean the house, cook, shop, or even just REST! Since it is just behind the house, I can stop by and pick him up anytime. John and I are both meeting the director and teachers in the morning for an interview. I think John will like it and I think he agrees that this will be a good thing. This morning there was only one little baby girl in his class. So I'm sure he will get lots of attention. I don't want to start Parker in a daycare just yet. I know it's important to socialize him with other kids, but with the flu going around so bad this winter, it's just TOO RISKY! I think this "mothers day out" will help me take some time out for myself. I'll keep you posted on Parker's first day!

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