Thursday, May 28, 2009

The baby Bucket List

Our baby bucket list has been a list of things we need to do before baby Parker comes. With only 5 weeks left and knowing he can come ANY DAY now .... the pressure is on and my OCD kicks in!
I am proud to say we have accomplished .....

- FINISHED the baby's room (minus small decorating details)
- Washed all toys
- Washed all clothes and organized them by "months"
- Organized baby's closet
- Put together Pack N Play (practiced with it in our bedroom!)
- Put together bouncer
- Organized a spot in the kitchen for BABY. (bottles, bibs, food processor, etc.)
- Started packing our hospital bags.
- Picked out Parker's "first picture" outfit

We have accomplished so many things but I still feel like we have so much to do!!!

This weekend we are ...

- Finishing packing our hospital bags
- Picking up our swing
- Finding a rocking chair
- Getting bases/ carseats installed at the fire department

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

So it's FINALLY boating season .... right when I'm about to POP. Go figure!! We had big plans for the weekend, plans to relax on the river with good friends. Unfortunantely, the weather wasn't so perfect. We got to hang out on the river a couple times. Last year at this time, I was bathing beauty and this year, YA, not sooooo much!!!! I'm HOT, out of breath and very very exhausted! Parker has not given me much room to breathe lately. My belly is growing more and more everyday. Everyone says I look like I'm carrying a basketball in my belly and trust me, it feels much bigger than a basketball!!! We also were celebrating John's birthday. Technically, his birthday was April 11th (our wedding day), so since he didn't get a party, I decorated the house with signs and gave him his presents!
All in all, the weekend was fun and relaxing. John and I are really trying to just relax and enjoy eachothers company before Parker gets here. I guess you can say "our quiet time"!

Monday, May 18, 2009

34 weeks ... are we there yet?!?

Wow, time is flying by and BRING ON THE PAIN!! It seems like my body is changing more and more each day. I am exhausted just walking from the bedroom to the kitchen. I am finding it hard to run my errands now. I CAN'T hardly sleep at all. Parker has this new "schedule" thing going on. He wakes up at 4:30am kicking and punching. Let's hope this isn't a quick preview of what's to come when he is here! I have not had a good sleep in awhile. It seems like he is in my ribs constantly and if not there, his BIG feet are kicking my right side! The "potty" is my new best friend. I find myself peeing more than I did in a year before I was prego! It's hard with a 4 lb baby sitting on your bladder.
Now that my body is changing so much, I feel like he is coming any day. Thankfully, John and I are pretty much prepared. I am feeling anxious, nervous but so excited to meet my baby boy! We're getting closer!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Nursery update

Parker's room is coming along. Just adding small details now. We are OFFICIALLY ready just in case. The pack-n-play is here and the changing table is ready for some dirty diapers!!! I'm still working on the decor .... can't get enough. We are still looking for a rocking chair to match his room. Progress is made so I'm a happy mommy! Not too much longer until he is here :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My top 10 things every pregnant woman needs ....

1. A good lotion/cream. I use a variety of different lotions everyday. I like a buttermilk lotion for my body and a cocoa butter cream for my belly. Luckily, I don't have stretch marks, but they say cocco butter does the trick! Throughout my pregnancy, I experienced severe itching all over my body. THANKFULLY, it has gone away for the most part. Still always good to apply all over!
2. A soft robe. I recently read up on what to pack for the delivery room, and a good robe was highly suggested. I came accross a fantastic soft, thin, and very lightweight robe from Victoria Secret. I am in love with it and think it will be great for the delivery room!
3. A supportive bra. OK, now this is very important. I don't know about others, but my boobs are enormous, already! I bought a good supportive bra from VS and so far, it's been a great help! Now, pretty soon I'm sure I will be heading back for the next size up .... what's next .... e? f? g?
4. A heating pad. Heat always does the trick for me when my back is killing me. Lately, I have found it hard to sleep and sit certain ways because my back hurts so much. The greatest invention ever is SEAT WARMERS! Luckily, John and I have seat warmers in all of our cars. They work wonders!
5. Relaxing cd. I am a huge fan of relaxing music. I use mine just about everyday. Not just for the bathtub, but I also like to play it when I am in the baby's room. I know he can hear it, so I play it for him as much as possible.
6. A good fan. With the weather getting warmer everyday, a fan is a must! John and I just bought one of those tall, skinny fans that moves back in forth. Not only does it keep you cool, but I have read that they are a great "white noise" sound for when the baby sleeps. If you get them used to hearing it now, they are reminded of the sound and hopefully they will sleep better!
7. A boppy. Every woman needs one of these! With a growing belly, it's very hard to find a comfortable spot to sleep. I went from sleeping on my belly, to being forced to sleep on my side or back. Not fun! The boppy is good for evening out your weight so that it's easier to sleep.
8. One dress that makes you feel FABULOUS! It's hard to feel good about yourself when you are gaining weight everyday, but it's important to still dress your best! I love fashion and I will do anything to still look cute even with a belly. I am lucky and don't have to wear maternity clothes yet, but no matter your situation, always have one dress on hand that makes you feel sexy!
9. A calendar/date book. This is always good to keep track of ALL your doctor appointments. I know that I still get confused with my days and times. Especially, now that my doctor visits are weekly, it's important to keep things written down.
10. A good, but stylish pair of comfy shoes. Summer time is the best for shoes! I absolutely LOVE shoes and although, I had to cut back on the heels for now, I still rock a cute, sexy flat. It is important to be comfy when you're pregnant, but there are many fantastic flats out there! Choose wisely ladies!

33 Week Belly Check!

I had my 33 week check up today. Everything is still looking great and right on schedule. I have been experiencing some contractions so I talked to the doctor about those, she said it's perfectly normal since I'm this far along. I just need to watch how many, and how far apart they are. I still feel like Parker is coming sooner than we expect, but the doctor said it's too hard to tell now. His head is already down and I swear he gets lower everyday!! I just need to relax and keep my feet up, but it's hard. At least we are fully prepared for his arrival, just in case! I promise I will put some pictures up soon of my growing belly!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all my mommy's!!!!

Mother's Day has a whole new meaning to me now. Although Parker is not yet here, my husband still celebrated Mother's Day for me. He gave me a gift card for a day of pampering at the spa and took me to the outlets to go shopping! I feel so lucky to be Parker's mommy and I cannot wait to share the gift of a child with John. Next year will be so different and I we are so excited to spend it as a family.
I want to especially tell my mom how much she means to me. I could not imagine my life without my mom, she has stood by me through everything. She has always been my number one fan, a shoulder to lean on, and someone I can cry to. Now that I am going to be a mommy, I have realized how important it is to keep that special bond with eachother. Without my mom, I would be lost. Words cannot describe how much she means to me and I can only hope I will be a WONDERFUL mother like her! I LOVE YOU mom and THANK YOU for being my mommy and Parker's Nana :)
I also want to say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my new mommy's, Nancy and Karen. John and I are so lucky to have all you great women in our lives. Parker is surrounded by so much love within this family and we cannot wait for him to meet all of you! THANK YOU for being our moms and grandmas to our son. We love you all :)

To my baby boy Parker,
Words cannot describe the feelings I already have for you, and when you are here, my heart will be filled with a very special kind of love. A mothers love. Daddy and I are celebrating Mother's Day with you in my belly and just thinking that next year, YOU, our little man will be here! Time is going by so fast and you will soon be here in our arms. I want you to know how lucky you are to be surrounded by such a wonderful, loving family who cannot wait to see your sweet little face. Mommy loves you and cannot wait to hold you :)
Love, mommy

AHS Dance Team Shower 5-8-09

I had my AHS dance team and moms shower this past Friday which was so much fun THANKS to Mrs. Judy B! It was so good to see all the girls and moms and I am so thankful to have all of them in my life. John and I are truly lucky to have such good people in our lives that care so about us and our new family! Parker got LOTS of new things and we can't wait to use them all! THANK YOU to all the girls and moms that came .... we are so blessed :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The results are in!

Our doctor finally called with our 3 hour glucose test results. The test came out NEGATIVE which means I don't have gestational diabetes. THANK GOD! I was pretty much freaking out about it and very upset that it took so long to get my results. The doctor said everything looked good but to still watch eating too many sweets! So cutting back on the Sprite and cake isn't so bad!
Our doctor appointments are now every 2 weeks and then we will go once every week. This makes me excited thinking that Parker will be here very soon! Keep ya posted on my 8 month update very soon .... pictures to come!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Birthday/Oaks/Derby 2009

My amazing hubby surprised me with a birthday party at RAW and a white Toy Watch for the big 25!!! We had all our friends there to celebrate with us. John had his friends come in town from L.A and Chicago for the weekend for Derby, so they were at the party too!
I went to the Oaks with my mom and her friend Chris. We had great seats inside with the free food so I was a happy girl! John had to work all day so when I came home, we hung out at the house with all our guest and played the Wii. We all woke up the next morning to prepare for the Derby. Everything actually went pretty smooth considering we had 7 guest running around trying to get ready! I was smart and woke up a 7am to get an early start! One good thing about not being able to drink .... I was up and at it ready to go! We got on the road and headed to the Derby. My dad ended up getting John and I and some friends some great seats inside so I could sit and relax if I needed to. THANK GOD! John had a box on the finish line which was PERFECT seats to watch the races. Everyone had so much fun and by the end of the day, we were all exhausted! For being 8 months pregnant, I was pretty proud of myself for making it both days heels and all! Can't wait for next year (if we can find a babysitter!)