Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mommy and Parker 31 week update

Well the whole pregnancy thing is really starting to hit .... not just mentally but physically. I am now feeling the pain that goes along with the whole thing. I am tired, AGAIN. I am always out of breath. I find it hard to walk long. I am constantly getting up to go "potty" and I feel like this little boy is coming out any day now! I am trying to stay off my feet more but it's so hard with getting wedding presents put away and working on Parker's room. My wonderful husband got us a cleaning lady so at least the work around the house and left to her.
Thank God yesterdays doctor visit is out of the way .... but still nervous for our results. I think it all rest in God's hands now and we can only pray for the best.
Parker is doing GREAT though ... he is still active as always. He has found his "new spot" in the right side of my belly. It feels so weird when he hangs out over there but the doctor said sometimes babies favor one side of their mommy's belly. John and I think Parker will definitely love the water. He absolutely loved the ocean and the feel of the waves on our vacation. I think the water it soothing to him. He has had the hicups a couple of times. Pretty funny to watch my belly when that happens!
We are very excited for Thursday, not only for my birthday but we are getting our 4D ultrasound done and we get to see this beautiful baby boy's face. I CAN'T WAIT! We will post pictures later this week ... keep us in your prayers.

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