Monday, April 6, 2009

28 weeks, 7 month check-up!

This morning was my 28 week check-up. It's hard to believe that I am already at 7 months. Time is flying by! This check-up was my glucose testing. Not fun! I had to drink the awful dreaded ORANGE drink. YUCK! They gave me one hour to drink the drink before I had my blood taken. After I suffered through the gross taste of the drink, I had my belly check. GOOD NEWS ... I have gained weight! I weigh 111 lbs now which means he is growing just perfectly!! We listened to his heart and the doctor said he couldn't be any better! Always good news! After my belly check, came the blood work. Ahhhh ... I HATE blood work. I tend to faint alot when I have my blood taken. Luckily, I was a big girl today and stayed calm! Our next apt. is set for April 27th, at 10:45am (right when we get back from our honeymoon).
The most EXCITING news is that we scheduled our 4D ultrasound on April 30th, at 8 am which just happens to be my birthday :)
I cannot wait to see his little face!

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