Monday, April 27, 2009

4 hour glucose testing

I had a doctors appointment at 8 am this morning for my second round of glucose testing. The first round results didn't go so well .... not what we planned on. The doctors had called to inform me that my glucose level was 1 point over the normal side. I immediately broke down and cried at the thought of diabetes. The first thought in my head was PARKER and how were we going to deal with this. John and I ran home to research gestational diabetes. We learned that gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that starts during pregnancy. If you have diabetes, your body isn't able to use the sugar (glucose) in your blood as well as it should, so the level of sugar in your blood becomes higher than normal.
Gestational diabetes affects between 1% to 3% of all pregnant women. It usually develops in the second trimester (sometimes as early as the 20th week of pregnancy). Most often, gestational diabetes goes away after the baby is born.
I felt better knowing that it was pretty common and that it wouldn't effect the baby.
So anyways, I had to come back to the doctors this morning to re-check my glucose levels. I had to fast last night at midnight which was no fun at all. I couldn't even have water. I had to first drink the dreaded nasty orange drink, AGAIN! This time was way worse ... it was double the sugar and made me extra sick. After chugging that, they took blood from my finger. Then they took a LARGE tube of blood from my arm. I had to wait every hour to draw more blood. They took blood 4 times in the 4 hour period. I don't take shots well and I knew I wasn't going to do so well today. I got sick twice after just drinking the drink. They made me lay down in a room with the lights out and woke me up every hour for more blood. My arms are extremely bruised and still hurt. Today was not a good day and I do not want to ever deal with that again! We just pray that the results come back as good news. We will keep everyone updated as soon as we hear results .... please keep us and baby parks in your prayers.

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