Friday, August 14, 2009

You know you're a MOMMY when ....

- You can go a whole day without showering and brushing your teeth ... and be OK with it.
- You're "new" perfume is BABY SPIT UP ... yummy!
- You are in "mid-change" of a poopy diaper, and MORE poo starts coming out, you cup your hand and take the "extra". YUCK!
- You are OK with wearing a poo stained t-shirt. I mean, who isn't?
- Your once SUPER CLEAN house now looks like a daycare.
- Every garbage can in your house is now full of pee diapers.
- You start answering your phone "ga ga goo goo"
- You find yourself driving like those old people on the road just so EVERYONE knows there's a baby on board!
- You forget you even have a dog (or a husband). Family what?!?!
- You NO LONGER carry that cute, expensive purse you just bought ... only a diaper bag!
- Forget Oprah ... it's all cartoons now buddy!!!
- Your day consist of changing, feeding, burping, singing, rocking, and bathing .... WELCOME to MOMMYHOOD :)

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