Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The OTTER'S take on GOLFING!!!

OK, so John and I have decided we want to make golfing our "new" hobby. Since we can't boat as much with baby Parker we thought this would be a great idea! We have been looking at houses that sit on golf courses so we probably should perfect our "swing" (or whatever you call it). We hit the driving range Saturday with our golf pro friend, Craig. He gave us some good pointers and even better advice. I made the boys move to the very end so that nobody could make fun of me! John did good, and I did OK, for a girl! Let's just say I should stick to cheerleading and dancing!
Sunday, we went with Billy, Gina, and the boys! I was VERY impressed with the other Otter families skills!!! The boys did GREAT and so did Billy and Gina. I tried my hand at a few swings ... but mostly kept Parker out of the sun. He was pretty wore out from the long day! Over all, we left NOT feeling like golf pros, but felt like we at least made an improvement!!!

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