Friday, August 28, 2009

Parker's 2 month check-up

It was a very sad morning for our little buggy boo. Parker had his 2 month check-up plus his SHOTS! This time around he had 2 shots. One on each thigh. Our morning started off when John told Parker where we were going. He explained to him what the doctor had to do and that it was all going to be ok. Being only 2 months old ... Parker had NO idea what he was saying as he began to laugh!!! And boy did he laugh!!! Poor poor buggy had NO clue what was about to happen. So we were off .....
Drum roll please ...... Parker now weighs, 12 whole pounds!!! He is 22" long and he has quit a large head! I just told him that means he has more brains, which means he is smarter!! The doctor was impressed with all his measurements and said he was going to be a tall little boy like his daddy. My luck, he will be taller than me when his 5. Ohhhh Lord!
We explained to the doctor that our son is a little "gasy". He gave us a new formula to try to see if that does the trick! Everything looked great, mommy is finally getting some sleep and we couldn't be happier!!! Until next time .....

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