Monday, August 31, 2009


Yesterday, my brother in-law competed in the IRONMAN here in Louisville, KY. I was absolutely blown away when seeing this in person. I have so much respect for these men and women that train and compete in this. I could never in my life imagine doing an ironman ... heck, I can't even run around the block without getting a cramp! If you ever get a chance to see one of these events, it's a MUST! It is truly amazing and I am so proud of Billy! He was amazing himself and finished with no problem! He looked GREAT at the finish line! I am so glad we got to be apart of TEAM OTTER and Parker was also very proud of his uncle Billy (tie dye shirt and all!) Goooooo Billy!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Parker's 2 month check-up

It was a very sad morning for our little buggy boo. Parker had his 2 month check-up plus his SHOTS! This time around he had 2 shots. One on each thigh. Our morning started off when John told Parker where we were going. He explained to him what the doctor had to do and that it was all going to be ok. Being only 2 months old ... Parker had NO idea what he was saying as he began to laugh!!! And boy did he laugh!!! Poor poor buggy had NO clue what was about to happen. So we were off .....
Drum roll please ...... Parker now weighs, 12 whole pounds!!! He is 22" long and he has quit a large head! I just told him that means he has more brains, which means he is smarter!! The doctor was impressed with all his measurements and said he was going to be a tall little boy like his daddy. My luck, he will be taller than me when his 5. Ohhhh Lord!
We explained to the doctor that our son is a little "gasy". He gave us a new formula to try to see if that does the trick! Everything looked great, mommy is finally getting some sleep and we couldn't be happier!!! Until next time .....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Breaking out the BUMBO!

Parker got to try out his BUMBO seat today while mommy washed bottles and did the dishes! Of course, princess Bella had to be a part of it!!! Gotta love the BUMBO :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Parker's 2 month photoshoot!

Friday, August 14, 2009

You know you're a MOMMY when ....

- You can go a whole day without showering and brushing your teeth ... and be OK with it.
- You're "new" perfume is BABY SPIT UP ... yummy!
- You are in "mid-change" of a poopy diaper, and MORE poo starts coming out, you cup your hand and take the "extra". YUCK!
- You are OK with wearing a poo stained t-shirt. I mean, who isn't?
- Your once SUPER CLEAN house now looks like a daycare.
- Every garbage can in your house is now full of pee diapers.
- You start answering your phone "ga ga goo goo"
- You find yourself driving like those old people on the road just so EVERYONE knows there's a baby on board!
- You forget you even have a dog (or a husband). Family what?!?!
- You NO LONGER carry that cute, expensive purse you just bought ... only a diaper bag!
- Forget Oprah ... it's all cartoons now buddy!!!
- Your day consist of changing, feeding, burping, singing, rocking, and bathing .... WELCOME to MOMMYHOOD :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our little BLUE eyed baby!

6 weeks and getting so BIG!

Parker's FIRST trip to the POOL!

After our Sunday morning at the driving range, we decided to "take a dip" in Grandpa's pool. It was a very HOT, and humid day. The pool felt wonderful but a little cool. We thought we would try put Parker in..... ya, not so much! He was NOT a happy camper when we dipped his feet in. It was pretty cold, I must say. At least he looked cute in his swim trunks and hat!!!

The OTTER'S take on GOLFING!!!

OK, so John and I have decided we want to make golfing our "new" hobby. Since we can't boat as much with baby Parker we thought this would be a great idea! We have been looking at houses that sit on golf courses so we probably should perfect our "swing" (or whatever you call it). We hit the driving range Saturday with our golf pro friend, Craig. He gave us some good pointers and even better advice. I made the boys move to the very end so that nobody could make fun of me! John did good, and I did OK, for a girl! Let's just say I should stick to cheerleading and dancing!
Sunday, we went with Billy, Gina, and the boys! I was VERY impressed with the other Otter families skills!!! The boys did GREAT and so did Billy and Gina. I tried my hand at a few swings ... but mostly kept Parker out of the sun. He was pretty wore out from the long day! Over all, we left NOT feeling like golf pros, but felt like we at least made an improvement!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Who's your DADDY?!?

I caught this picture on my cell phone of the boys watching T.V before our bedtime feeding.
Now .... to the feet! These BIG feet belong to our 1 month old, YES, it's true! He has very LARGE feet, and hands! But why wouldn't he, his daddy wears a size 15 shoe!!! I think we got a BIG boy on our hands!!!! What do you think?!?


Not much to talk about today ... I went to my 6 week check-up, for ME! I weigh now what I did before the baby ... wew hew!! Haven't even started working out yet! Time to tone. Dr. Price said everything looked wonderful, and I healed perfectly. I did get a little "teary-eyed" when I saw all the pregnant girls there, makes me miss my belly! I gave all the doctors my THANK YOU cards from our WONDERFUL delivery. I wanted them to know how much we appreciate them.
Parker and I hung out all day ... we rocked, went on a walk, read a book, and took a nap to our favorite music! Thought I would leave you with some more "updated" pics! ENJOY :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

5 weeks and still SO PERFECT!

5 weeks ... the cutest baby I have EVER SEEN :)

"Neighborly" LOVE

Parker and I went on our first walk together. I thought since the weather was not too hot and since I have been stuck in the house for months ... it was time to get out and start walking. Diaper bag in hand, stroller ready .... and we were off! I want to tell you how much I LOVE our neighborhood. The people are good and the houses are beautiful. We are very lucky to have such wonderful neighbors that truly care about us. As soon as we stepped out the door, the neighbors came out and couldn't wait to see the baby. They had gifts for us and immediately offered to watch him whenever John and I need a break. So sweet! I am going to be really sad when we leave this neighborhood. We have met so many sweet and caring people here. I'm sure we will be coming back to visit sometime.