Thursday, March 11, 2010

First day of DAYCARE!!!

SORRY about the HUGE delay!!! We have been curently "kicked" out of our home for our HUGE kitchen remodel! Exciting news .... BUT also hard living out of bags with a small baby! I will blog about the kitchen in my next blog ... here's what's been going on with baby P ....
FINALLY started daycare! I have decided to go to esthetician school starting March 30, which means baby P will be in full-time daycare. We started him at La Petite Academy. So far, I LOVE IT and so does he! He is one very happy little man when I pick him up. There are only 6 babies in his class and of course, he's the giant of them all! I think this is good for him, he's getting to interact with other babies and is totally worn out when I pick him up! They had Dr.Seuss week last week where they had pajama day, hat day, and crazy sock day. It was so cute seeing the other babies participate. I posted some pics of Parker in his hat and pj's!

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