Thursday, March 11, 2010

8 months old .. and proud of it!

I am 8 months old and the size of a 2 year old! Not really, but I am certainly taking after my daddy!
I weigh 23 pounds.
I enjoy eating baby food now. Mommy feeds me fruits or yogurt in the morning, and I am starting to try meats for dinner. My favorite so far is Chicken and Apples (don't be jealous!)
Mommy is still making my food but I am taking a break while we are remodeling our kitchen, and sticking to the baby jars!
I still LOVE to roll around.
I can sit up on my own for hours!
I still LOVE my jumpy ... and Shewww, it makes me sleepy after awhile!
Daddy finally installed my BIG BOY carseat so now I am riding sitting up.
I eat at the table with everyone else in my cool highchair!
My hair is growing so fast ... still a blondie!
Oh, and did I mention ... I have 2 TEETH!!!!
I'll keep ya posted whenever I decide to crawl or walk or whatever I feel like doing first!!! Mommy and daddy are bugging me to death to say these silly words "mamma and dadda" and I look at them like they are idiots! Little do they know, I can say them both but just like torturing them. I think I might say "football" first!

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