Monday, March 29, 2010

9 months old!

I am now 9 months old! I am growing still everyday.
I am starting to "army crawl" ... still not crawling on my own yet. Mommy said because I am so big, it might take me longer!
I am quite the talker. My first word was "BA BA" (what mommy calls my bottle) Maybe this is a sign that I LOVE to eat? Or maybe it's just super easy to say!
Still working on the "mamma and dadda" words.
I learned how to SPIT and make sill noises with my mouth. People get a big kick out of this for some reason! Makes them laugh!
I am still SO HAPPY and SMILE all the time :)
I Started swim lessons and LOVE them! I like watching the other babies and flirting with the girls is my favorite part!
Mommy and Daddy keep telling me about this "boat" they are gonna take me on, so I'm pretty excited for that!
I am still eating my BIG BOY food!
I LOVE school and enjoy watching the other kids play!

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