Tuesday, March 30, 2010

BACK to school!

I started esthetician school today and I love it! I am going 9-3 for now. We got to work in the spa today and have already started into 3 chapters! Lot's of work but SO worth it! I can't wait to start working with clients! Trust me, I'll keep you updated as I go!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Who needs SPEEDOS?

Here is my sweet buggy boo ready for his second swim lesson!

9 months old!

I am now 9 months old! I am growing still everyday.
I am starting to "army crawl" ... still not crawling on my own yet. Mommy said because I am so big, it might take me longer!
I am quite the talker. My first word was "BA BA" (what mommy calls my bottle) Maybe this is a sign that I LOVE to eat? Or maybe it's just super easy to say!
Still working on the "mamma and dadda" words.
I learned how to SPIT and make sill noises with my mouth. People get a big kick out of this for some reason! Makes them laugh!
I am still SO HAPPY and SMILE all the time :)
I Started swim lessons and LOVE them! I like watching the other babies and flirting with the girls is my favorite part!
Mommy and Daddy keep telling me about this "boat" they are gonna take me on, so I'm pretty excited for that!
I am still eating my BIG BOY food!
I LOVE school and enjoy watching the other kids play!

Friday, March 26, 2010

So jealous of these beautiful lashes!

Parker's 1st visit to the ZOO!

So, since the weather has been SO nice lately, I decided to take buggy to the ZOO! I didn't really know what to expect since I haven't been there in like 20 years! We ended up going later in the day, and still there were a million people and LOTS of strollers! We only stopped at the BIG animals or the ones with smaller fences so I could see over to "try" to show him. Parker was way more interested in touching the fences rather than the animals. He DID enjoy watching the ducks though ... he thought they were pretty funny! He paid attention to the giraffes ... maybe he recognized them from his room or maybe he knows he will be as tall as them one day?!? I still think he is a little too young for all the animal action but he sure did get wore out from people watching! Mommy was wore out from walking the hills! WOW! Sure enough, we couldn't leave the zoo without a giraffe to add to his room :)

Boys will be BOYS!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

KITCHEN update!

We are still living at my in-laws and out of bags! Let me just say that it is VERY hard living out of bags with a baby. I feel like my stuff is EVERYWHERE! Hopefully, we will be in our house soon. The kitchen is slowly coming along. Lighting is up and walls are gone. Sheewww! John and I are still working on granite and color choices. I just want it to be DONE!!!!
Our house is very contemporary so we get to have fun with the colors! I posted pics of what we are going for.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Watch out HGTV!

Call us crazy, and YES, I now think we are for remodeling our kitchen! We are completely changing the whole floor plan of this kitchen. We are currently living at John's dads house until the kitchen is done. We thought at first we might be able to live in the house during the construction, but BOY were we wrong! It's a total mess! I am sick just from staying in the house 1 night. I will continue to post pics of the progress. Can't wait to see the final product!

8 months old .. and proud of it!

I am 8 months old and the size of a 2 year old! Not really, but I am certainly taking after my daddy!
I weigh 23 pounds.
I enjoy eating baby food now. Mommy feeds me fruits or yogurt in the morning, and I am starting to try meats for dinner. My favorite so far is Chicken and Apples (don't be jealous!)
Mommy is still making my food but I am taking a break while we are remodeling our kitchen, and sticking to the baby jars!
I still LOVE to roll around.
I can sit up on my own for hours!
I still LOVE my jumpy ... and Shewww, it makes me sleepy after awhile!
Daddy finally installed my BIG BOY carseat so now I am riding sitting up.
I eat at the table with everyone else in my cool highchair!
My hair is growing so fast ... still a blondie!
Oh, and did I mention ... I have 2 TEETH!!!!
I'll keep ya posted whenever I decide to crawl or walk or whatever I feel like doing first!!! Mommy and daddy are bugging me to death to say these silly words "mamma and dadda" and I look at them like they are idiots! Little do they know, I can say them both but just like torturing them. I think I might say "football" first!

First day of DAYCARE!!!

SORRY about the HUGE delay!!! We have been curently "kicked" out of our home for our HUGE kitchen remodel! Exciting news .... BUT also hard living out of bags with a small baby! I will blog about the kitchen in my next blog ... here's what's been going on with baby P ....
FINALLY started daycare! I have decided to go to esthetician school starting March 30, which means baby P will be in full-time daycare. We started him at La Petite Academy. So far, I LOVE IT and so does he! He is one very happy little man when I pick him up. There are only 6 babies in his class and of course, he's the giant of them all! I think this is good for him, he's getting to interact with other babies and is totally worn out when I pick him up! They had Dr.Seuss week last week where they had pajama day, hat day, and crazy sock day. It was so cute seeing the other babies participate. I posted some pics of Parker in his hat and pj's!